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  3 Korol str. Minsk, office 39
  +375 (17) 375-01-56


 Candidate of Technical Sciences
 Serebryanaya L.V.
 +375 (17) 375-01-56
 3,Korol st., Minsk, office 39

The department was established on October 1, 2013. Mission of the department is as follows: innovative, practice-oriented educational and research activities aimed at the preparation of highly qualified specialists in the field of jurisprudence, economics able to integrate into real sectors of the national economy. The main tasks of the department are:

  • to employ classical, academic education alongside with the modern information and communication technologies;
  • to upgrade professional knowledge and skills of teaching staff;
  • to promote the methodological support of the educational process for the integration of theoretical knowledge and practical training of students;
  • to improve the effectiveness of scientific work;
  • to organize the students' research activities, which will integrate scientific, educational and professional activities;
  • to introduce innovative information and communication technologies into the educational process using the Moodle training platform;
  • to organize the educational process based on the quality management system.


  • Algorithmization and programming
  • Vital activity security
  • Introduction into specialty (for the specialty "information resources management")
  • Higher mathematics
  • Clerical correspondence (optional) for the specialties "Political sciences", "Jurisprudence", "Economic law"
  • Clerical correspondence (for the specialty "psychology")
  • Population and objects protection from emergency situations.
  • Radiation safety
  • Information systems in economy
  • Information technologies in jurisprudence
  • Information technologies
  • Computer information technologies
  • Enterprise competitiveness
  • Basics of documentation support (optional)
  • Basic computer studies and programming
  • Fundamentals of information technologies (discipline at Master’s Degree students’ choice)
  • Production technologies
  • Modern information technologies in jurisprudence
  • Statistics
  • Standardization and certification (discipline at students’ choice)
  • Econometrics and economic-mathematical methods and models
  • Environmental economics

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